Constantine, R., Iwata, T., Nieukirk, S.N., Penry, G.S. 2018. Future directions in research on Bryde’s whales. Frotiers in Marine Science, 5: 333. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00333

Riekkola, L., Zerbini, A.N., Andrews, O., Andrews-Goff, V., Baker, C.S., Chandler, D., Childerhouse, S., Clapham, P., Dodemont, R., Donnelly, D., Friedlaender, A., Gallego, R., Garrigue, C., Ivashchenko, Y., Jarman, S., Lindsay, R., Pallin, L., Robbins, J., Steel, D., Tremlett, J., Vindenes, S., Constantine, R. 2018. Application of a multi-disciplinary approach to reveal population structure and Southern Ocean feeding grounds of humpback whales. Ecological Indicators 89: 455-465

Izadi, S., Johnson, M., Aguilar de Soto, N., Constantine, R. Nightlife of Bryde’s whales: ecological implications of resting in a baleen whale. 2018. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72: 1-12.  doi: 10.1007/s00265-018-2492-8

CARROLL, E.L., ALDERMAN, R., BANNISTER, J.L., BÉRUBÉ, M., BEST, P.B., BOREN, L., BAKER, C.S., CONSTANTINE, R., FINDLAY, K., HARCOURT, R., LEMAIRE, L., PALSBØLL, P.J., PATENAUDE, N.J., ROWNTREE, V.J., SEGER, J., STEEL, D., VALENZUELA, L.O., WATSON, M., GAGGIOTTI, O.E. 2018. Incorporating non-equilibrium dynamics into demographic history inferences of a migratory marine species. Heredity,

Barlow, D.R., Torres, L.G., Hodge, K.B., Steel, D., Baker, C.S>, Chandler, T.E., Bott, N., Constantine, R., Double, M.C., Gill, P., Glasgow, D., Hamner, R.M., Lilley, C., Ogle, M., Olsen, P.A., Peters, C., Stockin, K.A., Tessaglia-Hymes, T., Klinck, H. 2018.  Documentation of a New Zelaand blue whale population based on multiple lines of evidence. Endangered Species Research, 36: 27-40

PUTLAND, R.L., RANJARD, L., CONSTANTINE, R., RADFORD, C.A. 2018. A hidden Markov model approach to indicate Bryde’s whale acoustics. Ecological Indicators 84: 479-487

Steel, D., Anderson, M., Garrigue, C., Olavarria, C., Caballero, S. Childerhouse, S., Clapham, P., Constantine, R. +13 others. Migratory interchange of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) among breeding grounds of Oceania and connections to Antarctic feeding areas based on genotype matching. 2018. Polar Biology

HAMILTON, O.N.P., KINCAID, S., Constantine, R., Kozmian-Ledward, L., Walker, C.G., Fewster, R.M. 2018. Accounting for uncertainty in duplicate identification and group size judgments in mark-recapture distance sampling. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 354-362. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12895

PUTLAND, R.L., CONSTANTINE, R., RADFORD, C.A. Exploring spatial and temporal trends in the soundscape of an ecologically significant embayment. 2017. Scientific Reports 7: 5713 doi:10.1038/s41598-017-06347-0

HAMNER, R.M., CONSTANTINE, R., MATTLIN, R., WAPLES, R., BAKER, C.S. 2017. Genotype-based estimates of local abundance and effective population size for Hector’s dolphins. Biological Conservation 211: 150-160

ALBERTSON, G.R., FRIEDLAENDER, A.S., STEEL, D.J., AGUAYO-LOBO, A., BONATTO, S.L., CABALLERO, S., CONSTANTINE, R., CYPRIANO-SOUZA, A.L., ENGEL, M.H., GARRIGUE, C., FLOREZ-GONZALEZ, L., JOHNSTON, D.W., NOWACEK, D.P., POOLE, M.M., ROBBINS, J., BAKER, C.S. 2017. Temporal stability and mixed-stock analyses of humpback whales in the nearshore waters of the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Polar Biology, 41: 323-340

PATEL, S., THOMPSON, K., SANTURE, A., CONSTANTINE, R., MILLAR, C. 2017. Genetic kinship analyses reveal that Gray’s beaked whales strand in unrelated groups. Journal of Heredity 108: 456-461.

DERVILLE, S., CONSTANTINE, R., BAKER, C.S., OREMUS, M., TORRES, L.G. 2016. Environmental correlates of nearshore habitat distribution by the critically endanagerd Maui dolphin. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 551: 261-275

LINDSAY, R.L., CONSTANTINE, R., ROBBINS, J., MATTILA, D.K., TAGARINO, A., DENNIS, T.E. 2016. Characterising essential breeding habitat for whales informs the development of large-scale Marine Protected Areas in the South Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 548:263-275. doi: 10.3354/meps11663

AGUIRRE, J.D., BOLLARD-BREEN,B., CAMERON, M., CONSTANTINE, R., DUFFY, C., DUNPHY, B., HART, K., HEWITT, J.E., JARVIS, R., JEFFS, A., KAHUI-MCCONNELL, R., KAWHARU, M., LIGGINS, L., LOHRER, A.M., MIDDLETON, I., OLDMAN, J., SEWELL, M.A., SMITH, A., THOMAS, D.B., TUCKEY, B., VAUGHAN, M., WILSON, R. 2016. Loved to pieces: Toward the sustainable management of hte Waitemata Harbour and Hauraki Gulf. Regional Studies in Marine Science  doi: 10.1016/j.rsma.2016.02.009

THOMPSON, K., PATEL, S., BALER, C.S., CONSTANTINE, R., MILLAR, C. 2016. Bucking the trend: Gentic analysis reveals high diversity, large population size and low differentiation in a deep ocean cetacean. Heredity 116:277-285

CONSTANTINE, R., JOHNSON, M., RIEKKOLA, L., JERVIS, S., KOZMIAN-LEDWARD, L., DENNIS, T., LORRES, L.G., AGUILAR DE SOTO, N. 2015. Mitigation of vessel-strike mortality of endangered Bryde’s whales in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Biological Conservation 186:149-157

GARLAND, E.C., GOLDIZEN, A.W., LILLEY, M.S., REKDAHL, M.L., GARRIGUE, C., CONSTANTINE, R., HAUSER, N.D., POOLE, M.M., ROBBINS, J., NOAD, M.J. 2015. Population structure of humpback whales in the western and central South Pacific Ocean determined by vocal cultural exchange. Conservation Biology 29:1198-1207

DUFFY, C., BAKER, C.S., CONSTANTINE, R. 2015. Observation and identification of marine mammals during two recent expeditions to the Kermadec Islands, New Zealand. Bulletin of the Auckland Museum 20:501-510

OLSON, P.A., ENSOR, P., OLAVARRIA, C., BOTT, N., CONSTANTINE, R., WEIR, J., CHILDERHOUSE, S., VAN DER LINDE, M., SCHMITT, N., MILLER, B.S., DOUBLE, M.C. 2015. New Zealand blue whales: residency, morphology, and feeding behavior of a little-known population. Pacific Science 69:477-485

TEZANOS-PINTO, G., CONSTANTINE, R., MOURÃO, F., BERGHAN, J., BAKER, C.S. 2014. High calf mortality in the bottlenose dolphin of the Bay of Islands, New Zealand – A local population in decline. Marine Mammal Science 31:540-559

HAMNER, R.M., WADE, P., OREMUS, M., STANLEY, M., BROWN, P., CONSTANTINE, R., BAKER, C.S. 2014. Critically low abundance and limits to human-related mortality for the Maui’s dolphin. Endangered Species Research 26:87-92

THOMPSON, K.F., RUGGIERO, K., MILLAR, C.D., CONSTANTINE, R., VAN HELDEN, A.L. 2014. Large-scale multivariate analysis reveals sexual dimorphism and geographic difference in the Gray’s beaked whale. Journal of Zoology 294:13-21

HARTEL, E.F., CONSTANTINE, R. & TORRES, L.G. 2014. Changes in habitat use patterns by bottlenose dolphins over a 10-year period render static management boundaries ineffective. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems: doi: 10.1002/aqc.2465

PATEL, S., THOMPSON, K., WILLIAMS, L., TSAI, P., CONSTANTINE, R., MILLAR, C. 2014. Mining microsatellites for Gray’s beaked whale from second-generation sequencing data. Conservation Genetics Resources 6:657-659 doi: 10.1007/s12686-014-0173-0

CARROLL, E., JACKSON, J.A., PATON, D. & SMITH T.D. 2014. Two intense decades of 19th century whaling precipitated rapid decline of right whales around New Zealand and east Australia. PLoS ONE, 9(4): e93789 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0093789

CONSTANTINE, R., STEEL, D., ALLEN, J., ANDERSON, M., ANDREWS, O., BAKER, C.S., BEEMAN, P., BURNS, D., CHARRASSIN, J.-B., CHILDERHOUSE, S., DOUBLE, M., ENSOR, P., FRANKLIN, T., FRANKLIN W., GALES, N., GARRIGUE, C., GIBBS, N., HARRISON, P., HAUSER, N., HUTSEL, A., JENNER, C., JENNER, M.-N., KAUFMAN, G., MACIE, A., MATTILA, D., OLAVARRIA, C., OOSTERMAN, A., PATON, D., POOLE, M., ROBBINS, J., SCHMITT, N., STEVICK, P., TAGARINO, A., THOMPSON, K., WARD, J. 2014. Remote Antarctic feeding ground important for east Australian humpbck whales. Marine Biology 161:1087-1093 doi 10.1007/s00227-014-2401-2

CONSTANTINE, R. 2014. Whale-Watching and Behavioural Ecology. pp 193-205. In: Whale-Watching, Sustainable Tourism and Ecological Management. J. Higham, L. Bejder & R. Williams (Eds). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

THOMPSON, K.F., PATEL, S., WILLIAMS, L., TSAI, P., CONSTANTINE, R., BAKER, C.S., MILLAR, C.D. 2014. High coverage of the complete mitochondrial genome of the rare Gray’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon grayi) using Illumina next generation sequencing. Mitochondrial DNA: doi: 10.3109/19401736.2013.878908

CONSTANTINE, R., CARROLL, E., STEWART, R., NEALE, D. & VAN HELDEN, A. 2014. First record of True’s beaked whale Mesoplodon mirus in New Zealand. Marine Biodiversity Records 7:e1-e3 doi:10.1017/S1755267213001140

CARROLL, E., RAYMENT, W., ALEXANDER, A., BAKER, C.S., PATENAUDE, N., STEEL, D., CONSTANTINE, R., COLE, R., BOREN, L., CHILDERHOUSE, S. 2014. Re-establishment of former wintering grounds by New Zealand southern right whales. Marine Mammal Science 30:206-220

HAMNER, R.M., CONSTANTINE, R., OREMUS, M., STANLEY, M., BROWN, P. & BAKER, C.S. 2014. Long-range movement by Hector’s dolphins provides potential genetic enhancement for critically endangered Maui’s dolphin. Marine Mammal Science 30: 139-153

DWYER, S.L., KOZMIAN-LEDWARD, L. & STOCKIN, K.A. 2014. Short-term survival of severe propeller strike injuries and observations on wound progression in a bottlenose dolphin. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research

DALEBOUT, M.L., BAKER, C.S., STEEL, D., THOMPSON, K.F., ROBERTSON, K., CHIVERS, S.J., PERRIN, W.F., GONATILAKE, M., ANDERSON, R.C., MEAD, J.G., POTTER, C.W., YAMADA, T.K., THOMPSON, T.K., JUPITER, D. 2014. A new beaked whale (Ziphiidae) in the tropical indo-Pacific. Marine Mammal Science DOI: 10.1111/mms.12113

FRANKLIN, W., FRANKLIN, T., GIBBS, N., CHILDERHOUSE, S., GARRIGUE, C., CONSTANTINE, R., BROOKS, L., BURNS, D., PATON, D., POOLE, M., HAUSER, N., DONOGHUE, M., RUSSELL, K., MATTILA, D.K., ROBBINS, J., ANDERSON, M., OLAVARRIA, C., JACKSON, J., NOAD, M., HARRISON, P., BAVERSTOCK, P., LEAPER, R., BAKER, C.S., & CLAPHAM, P. 2014. Photo-identification confirms that humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) from eastern Australia migrate past New Zealand but indicates low levels of interchange with breeding grounds of Oceania. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 14:133-140

BAKER, C.S., HUTT, A., THOMPSON, K., DALEBOUT, M.L., ROBBINS, J., BROWNELL, R.L., STONE, G.S. 2013. Species identity and human consumption of beaked whales in the Gilbert Islands, Republic of Kiribati. Animal Conservation 16:224-233 doi: 10/111/acv.12039

THOMPSON, K.F., MILLAR, C.D., BAKER, C.S., DALEBOUT, M., STEEL, D., VAN HELDEN, A.L. & CONSTANTINE, R. 2013. A novel conservation approach provides insights into the management of rare cetaceans. Biological Conservation 157:331-340

GARLAND, E., NOAD, M., GOLDIZEN, A., LILLEY, M., REKDAHL, M., GARRIGUE, C., CONSTANTINE, R., HAUSER, N.D., POOLE, M.M. & ROBBINS, J. 2013. Quantifying humpback whale song sequences to understand the dynamics of song exchange at the ocean basin scale. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133:560-569

SCHAFFAR, A., MADON, B., GARRIGUE, C. & CONSTANTINE, R. 2013. Behavioural effects of whale watching activities on an endangered population of humpback whales wintering in New Caledonia. Endangered Species Research 19:245-254

TEZANOS-PINTO, G., CONSTANTINE, R., BROOKS, L., JACKSON, J.A., MOURÃO, F., WELLS, S. & BAKER, C.S. 2013. Decline in local abundance of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Bay of Islands (New Zealand). Marine Mammal Science 29:E390-E410 DOI: 10.1111/mms.12008

THOMPSON, K., BAKER, C.S., VAN HELDEN, A., PATEL, S., MILLAR, C. & CONSTANTINE, R. 2012. The world’s rarest whale. Current Biology 22(21):R905-906

OREMUS, M., HAMNER, R.M., STANLEY, M., BROWN, P., BAKER, C.S. & CONSTANTINE, R. 2012. Distribution, group characteristics and movements of the Critically Endangered Maui’s dolphin Cephalorhyncus hectori maui. Endangered Species Research 19:1-10

BAKER, C.S., HAMNER, R.M., COOKE, J., HEIMEIER, D., VANT, M., STEEL, D. & CONSTANTINE, R. 2012. Low abundance and probable decline of the critically endangered Maui’s dolphin estimated by genotype capture-recapture. Animal Conservation doi:10.1111/j.1469-1795.2012.00590.x

FRANKLIN, W., FRANKLIN, T., BROOKS, L., GIBBS, N., CHILDERHOUSE, S., SMITH, F., BURNS, D., PATON, D., GARRIGUE, C., CONSTANTINE, R., POOLE, M.M., HAUSER, N., DONOGHUE, M., RUSSELL, K., MATTILA, D.K., ROBBINS, J., OOSTERMAN, A., LEAPER, R., HARRISON, P., BAKER, S. & CLAPHAM, P. 2012. Antarctic waters (Area V) near the Balleny Islands are a summer feeding area for some eastern Australian Breeding Stock E(i) Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 12:321-327

CARROLL, E; CHILDERHOUSE, S; CHRISTIE, M; LAVERY, S; PATENAUDE, N; ALEXANDER, A; CONSTANTINE, R; STEEL, D; BOREN, L; BAKER, C.S. 2012. Paternity assignment and demographic closure in the New Zealand southern right whale. Molecular Ecology doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05676.x

CONSTANTINE, R; JACKSON, J.A; STEEL, D; BAKER, C.S; BROOKS, L; BURNS, D; CLAPHAM, P; HAUSER, N; MADON, B; MATTILA, D; OREMUS, M; POOLE, M; ROBBINS, J; THOMPSON, K; GARRIGUE, C. 2012. Abundance of humpback whales in Oceania using photo-identification and microsatellite genotyping. Marine Ecology Progress Series 453: 249-261

HAMNER, R.M; PICHLER, F.B; HEIMEIER, D; CONSTANTINE, R; BAKER, C.S. 2012. Genetic differentiation and limited gene flow among fragmented populations of New Zealand endemic Hector’s and Maui’s dolphins. Conservation Genetics doi:10.1007/s10592-012-0347-9

CONSTANTINE, R., AGUILAR SOTO, N. & JOHNSON, M. 2012. Sharing the waters: Minimising ship collisions with Bryde’s whales in the Hauraki Gulf. Research Progress Report, Department of Conservation & The Hauraki Gulf Forum, Auckland, New Zealand. 22 pp.

HAMNER, R.M; OREMUS, M; STANLEY, M; BROWN, P; CONSTANTINE, R. & BAKER, C.S. 2012. Estimating the abundance and effective population size of Maui’s dolphins using microsatellite genotypes in 2010–11, with retrospective matching to 2001–07. Department of Conservation, Auckland. 44 pp.

GARRIGUE, C; FRANKLIN, T; CONSTANTINE, R; RUSSELL, K; BURNS, D; POOLE, M; PATON, D; HAUSER, N; OREMUS, M; CHILDERHOUSE, S; MATTILA,D; GIBBS, N; FRANKLIN, W; ROBBINS, J; CLAPHAM, P & BAKER, C.S. 2011. First assessment of interchange of humpback whales between Oceania and the east coast of Australia. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management (Special Issue) 3: 269-274

GARRIGUE, C; CONSTANTINE, R; POOLE, M; HAUSER, N; CLAPHAM, P; DONOGHUE, M; RUSSELL, K; PATON, D; MATILLA, D.K; ROBBINS, J & BAKER, C.S. 2011. Movement of individual humpback whales between wintering grounds of Oceania (South Pacific), 1999 to 2004. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management (Special Issue) 3: 275-281

CARROLL, E; PATENAUDE, N; ALEXANDER, A; STEEL, D; HARCOURT, R; CHILDERHOUSE, S; SMITH, S; BANNISTER, J; CONSTANTINE, R; BAKER, C.S. 2011. Population structure and individual movement of southern right whales around New Zealand and Australia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 432: 257-268

CARROLL, E. L., N. J. PATENAUDE, S. CHILDERHOUSE, S. D. KRAUS, R. M. FEWSTER, and C. S. BAKER. 2011. Abundance of the New Zealand subantarctic southern right whale population estimated from photo-identification and genotype mark-recapture. Marine Biology 158:2565-2575.

CARROLL, E. L., S. CHILDERHOUSE, R. FEWSTER, N. J. PATENAUDE, D. STEEL, G. DUNSHEA, S. SMITH, and C. S. BAKER. 2011. Updated abundance and first estimate of rate of increase of the southern right whales at the NZ subantarctic Auckland Islands. Unpublished report (SC/S11/RW20) presented to the International Whaling Commission Workshop on Southern right whales, 13-16 September 2011, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

GARLAND, E.C; GOLDIZEN, A.W; REKDAHL, M.L; CONSTANTINE, R; GARRIGUE, C; HAUSER, N.D; POOLE, M.M; ROBBINS, J; NOAD, M.J. 2011. Dynamic horizontal cultural transmission of humpback whale song at the ocean basin scale. Current Biology 21: 687-691

CONSTANTINE, R; GARRIGUE, C; BAIRD, K. 2011. The Kermadec Islands and the endangered humpback whales of Oceania. Deep: The Kermadec Islands. Pew Environment Group, Wellington, August 2010. (Peer-reviewed conference proceedings)

SCHAFFAR, A; GARRIGUE, C; CONSTANTINE, R. 2010. Exposure of humpback whales to unregulated whale-watching activities in their main reproductive area in New Caledonia. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 11: 147-152

BAKER, C.S., CHILVERS, B.L., CONSTANTINE, R., DUFRESNE, S., MATTLIN, R.H., VAN HELDEN, A., HITCHMOUGH, R. 2010. Conservation status of New Zealand marine mammals (suborders Cetacea and Pinnipedia). New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 44: 101-+. 10.1080/00288330.2010.482970