MSc project: Population size and social structure of bottlenose dolphins in the Bay of Islands. Funding: University of Auckland MSc Scholarship 2012 e.
Kirsten Thompson
MSc (1st Class Hons): Thompson, K.F. 2013. Genetic diversity, population structure and morphology in New Zealand’s beaked whales. MSc Thesis, School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland. Funding: University of Auckland MSc Scholarship 2012; OMV New Zealand Ltd Scholarship 2011; George Mason Charitable Trust Scholarship 2011 e. s. kirsten.thompson1 After graduating I worked for […]
Rebecca Lindsay
MSc project: Spatial ecology of South Pacific humpback whales. e: I will create a GIS at three sites: Tonga, American Samoa (in collaboration with Dr Jooke Robbins & Dr David Mattila) and the Cook Islands (in collaboration with Nan Hauser) to compare habitat use of the whales and determine which environmental variables are important […]